FTW 162The NFL season is on us like white on rice. We’re still three days away from our Minnesota Fightin’ Vikings taking on the San Francisco 4ers (the 9 retired) Monday night at the Field of Jeans, home of Super Bowl Fitty. To get a dual perspective, we got Vincent Frank (@VincentFrankNFL) of eDraft, Yardbarker, and Forbes to stop by and drop some Niner knowledge on us as well as Arif Hasan’s (@ArifHasanNFL) weekly spot talking mostly offensive line issues. 🙁

Other “The O-Line is Shakier Than a Subpar Pizza Buffet” Talkers Include
• John Sullivan on IR DFR. What does it mean for the o-line?
• Jarius Wright got PAID
• Vikings San Francisco Memories!
Vincent Frank Talks 49ers
-What the hell happened the the Niners?
-Aldon Smith needs help. Ahmad Brooks is a shady dude.
-What will Tomsula be?
-Carlos Hyde will become an elite NFL running back.
-What is a Jarryd Hayne?
Vincent’s NFL preview on Forbes
-Can Kaepernick take the next step?
-Vincent: Adrian will break the single season rushing record in 2015
-Kaep or Teddy, RIGHT NOW?
-Niners win on Monday if ________?
Arif Hasan for his regular Friday spot
-What was Arif’s nickname growing up?
-Weight of the Sully injury
-How will Jeremiah “Amish Paradise” Sirles fit in?
-Wright was paid why?
-Vikings have the fastest WR corp in the league
-Roster breakdown. Surprises?
-Adrian. Game One. What to expect?
-Any surprises from Teddy & Norv during the regular season? #VikingsPistol
-Vikings win on Monday if ________?
• Hypothetical: What 5 NFL figures do you want with you on a desert island?
• Four episode week next week!
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All that and other “See You In Santa Clara” nonsense on this edition of the Purple FTW! Podcast!

An Andy Carlson Joint.

Listen to the Episode Below (1:22:07)

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Purple FTW! – The Podcast dedicated to the Pain AND Pleasure that is the Minnesota Vikings.

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