Purple FTW! Podcast: On to Buffalo feat. Nate Geary + #VikesOverBeers!(ep. 625)

The 0-2 Buffalo Blahs (Bills) circle the wagons and ford the river into historic US Bank Stadium Sunday to take on the undefeated Minnesota Fightin’ Vikings. Friend of the Program Nate Geary (@NateGearyWGR) of WGR550 in Buffalo stops in to chat about the Bills, how ugly it could get on Sunday, and why there is some long-term optimism in Western New York. Plus Josh Pelto (@JoshPelto) swings in for Vikes Over Beers to chat about the tie and the greatness of Kirk Jerome Cousins.

All that and more “Leslie Fraizer Bowl” chatter on this edition of the Purple FTW! Podcast!

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Dedicated to the Pain AND Pleasure that is the Minnesota Vikings.

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