Purple FTW! - Mock (Yeah) -ing (Yeah) Listener (Yeah) Mock (Drafts) (ep. 366) - Minnesota Vikings - 1500 ESPN

We’re in the thick of Mock Draft Season. It’s the most exciting/mind numbing part of the NFL schedule as all the draft jabronis are on “Mock Draft 49.1”, but it’s still so much fun. The last time reading of lists of names was this intriguing, Lucius Cornelius Sulla had started his proscriptions in ancient Rome (Google it). We had listeners submit their own Minnesota Vikings mocks (via FanSpeak or With the 1st Pick) and on today’s show I’m going to go through the picks and evaluate. What I like, what I hate, how many Week 1 starters there are, and rate their mocks on a scale of 1-5 Reuben Sandwiches. Even included 1500’s own Matthew Coller‘s mock in the mocking. *Cue Suspenseful Music* Follow along with all of the drafts in the slideshow below.

All that and more “Josh Dobbs. No Matter What.” chatter on this edition of the Purple FTW! Podcast!

An AMG Production

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