00000 - FTW 177

With the Minnesota Fightin’ Vikings bye week upon us, we still roll on because WE GOT NOWHERE ELSE TO GO!

Tom Schreier (@tschreier3) of Cold Omaha rejoins the show to talk about the Purple through the first quarter of the season, ramifications of the Gerald Hodges trade, how Teddy Bridgewater has never really had a decent offensive line (in the regular season), if Daily Fantasy Sports will survive in this country, how the Minnesota Twins are so media friendly, and a general overview of the state of Minnesota sports media.

All that and other “Beat Writers’ Bodies Are Like Greek Gods” nonsense on this edition of the Purple FTW! Podcast!

An Andy Carlson Joint.

Listen to the Episode Below (1:10:22)

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Purple FTW! – The Podcast dedicated to the Pain AND Pleasure that is the Minnesota Vikings.

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