00000 - FTW 169NFL records tend to fall when the San Diego Super Chargers and Minnesota Fightin’ Vikings get together in Minnesota (sample size of 1). Arif Hasan (@ArifHasanNFL) is back in the house for his Friday Football Preview as we look if Adrian can rush for 297 yards as #VikingsTwitter seems to think he can. In the first half.

We also look at what the Chargers bring to the table and the key matchups that will help the Purple get a win on Sunday and maybe a little revenge for NORVVVV against his former employer.

All that and other “Antonio Cromartie has more kids than Adrian” nonsense on this edition of the Purple FTW! Podcast!

An Andy Carlson Joint.

Listen to the Episode Below (37:48)

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Purple FTW! – The Podcast dedicated to the Pain AND Pleasure that is the Minnesota Vikings.

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