Black Friday shopping sucks. You should curl up with a nice podcast instead and join Arif Hasan (@ArifHasanNFL) and me as we chat about the 7-3 Minnesota Fightin’ Vikings as we prepare to make Atlanta howl on Sunday. The Purple have a prime opportunity to get back up after the Packer debacle and solidify themselves as a playoff team by going into the Georgia Dome and taking care of business against the 6-4 Falcons. Fake crowd noise be damned.
All that and other “Roasted Dirty Birds” nonsense on this edition of the Purple FTW! Podcast!
An Andy Carlson Joint.
Read all of Arif’s stuff at The Daily Norseman and Vikings Journal as well as listen to his podcast Norse Code.
Listen to the Episode Below (47:51)
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Purple FTW! – The Podcast dedicated to the Pain AND Pleasure that is the Minnesota Vikings.
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