The Purple FTW Podcast

Dedicated to the Pain AND Pleasure that is the Minnesota Vikings


“If we didn’t laugh, we would cry.”

That sums up what it’s like to be a fan of the Minnesota Vikings.

0-4 in Super Bowls, the ’98 and ’09 NFC Championship games, and of course the Loveboat Scandal. Our beloved team has been petri dish of non-stop heartache, broken dreams, and embarrassment.

But we still BELIEVE and on the Purple FTW! Podcast we will air our grievances, preach positively about the future, and talk nonsensical levity about our favorite team.

Because if we didn’t laugh, we would cry…. SKOL.



Andy Carlson


He’s NOT a journalist, NOT a reporter—merely a jackass fan with a microphone. A lifelong, long-suffering Minnesota Vikings fan like his father and grandfather, Andy uses humor to keep his sanity through the Vikings’ ups and downs. Inspired by a particularly awful Minnesota Vikings loss in late 2013, Andy started the Purple FTW! Podcast and hasn’t stopped.

With a blend of humor and optimism, Andy talks with fans and experts (and, occasionally, puppets) about life, football, and when the Vikings will finally bring home a dozen Lombardis in the next decade. Do the math. Numerology podcast coming.

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Audio Credits

Our Podcast music is provided by deeB. Check out his latest work at his SoundCloud Page.

Make sure to Like him on Facebook and follow him on Twitter!!!

​Courtesy KFAN, ESPN, CBS, Fox Sports, WCCO & NFL Films for the audio on our intro.