0000000 - FTW 171The Minnesota Fightin’ Vikings (2-1) are on to Denver as we invade the undefeated Denver Broncos’ Mile High perch and try to break the stallions in the late game Sunday afternoon. The Purple are 0-3 all-time vs Peyton Manning, while Mike Zimmer is 1-5 against Chicken Parm as a defensive coordinator.

Di Murphy (@DiMurphyMN) of The Daily Norseman stops in to chat about the rekindled Zimmer Hellfire Defense, why Vikings Rubes need to relax on Teddy, how the Bears are a barren wasteland of nothingness that needs to be blown up & rebuilt, and how we both hate/respect the hell out of Aaron Rodgers. (Even though PFF only hate/hates him…)

All that and other “Start Over” nonsense on this edition of the Purple FTW! Podcast!

An Andy Carlson Joint.

Listen to the Episode Below (58:51)

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Purple FTW! – The Podcast dedicated to the Pain AND Pleasure that is the Minnesota Vikings.

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